2D & 3D design

Discover the power of 2D and 3D designs for your projects, from concept to realisation, with detailed visualisations and accurate planning.
2D en 3D ontwerp

2D & 3D Design at E=MC² Total Project Design

In our studio, we work with advanced 2D and 3D visualisation programmes to give you a realistic picture of the final result of our furnishing activities. With these technologies, you can step into your new space, as it were, and already see the atmospheric experience in which you will soon be doing business. We use the latest technical developments in artist impressions to paint the most realistic picture of your future project.

Creating 3D designs

For large-scale projects we produce detailed drawings if required. Using our application and specially made glasses, which you can easily use with your mobile phone, step straight into your virtual office. Your head movements navigate you through the project, and at so-called virtual stops you can take a closer look at an object's specifications with the blink of an eye. After all, a picture says more than a thousand words.

Why e=mc²?

Innovative visualisations with 2D and 3D designs

Our 2D and 3D designs offer more than just a static representation; they give you a dynamic and interactive experience of your future space. This allows you to better assess not only the aesthetics, but also the functionality and layout of the space and possibly adjust it before the actual implementation begins.

Experience an accurate representation of your future space with detailed visualisations.

Move through your virtual office and view objects up close with our advanced glasses.

Take advantage of the latest developments in artist impressions and virtual reality.

Make informed decisions about the design and layout of your space before implementation begins.

We work for

Quality and craftsmanship

Our company inventories, visualises, coordinates and realises total project design, especially for office spaces and hotels, in a new way. Unlike many other providers, we ensure that our projects are always completed on time and within the agreed budget.

Total tailor-made solution?

Would you like to make an appointment for the services and/or products of E=MC² total project design? Or would you like a no-obligation quotation? Then please fill in the contact form or call us at 023 - 557 87 72.

You can also leave your phone number and we will call you back as soon as possible

What can we help you with?